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We are a group of photographers. We created PHOTO4US.COM to exhibit our gallery of works. Even though we come from different backgrounds and have different interests in what we capture, we share the love of photography. You'll find that at PHOTO4US.COM, we are a diverse group and offer unique perspectives and subjects.

The Beauty of Rust!

April 26th, 2013


Every rust is beautiful! The different hues of reddish, orange, and bronze formed on iron when it’s exposed to air results in rust. Here’s a fun photography idea, take a picture of anything rusting or covered in rust. With the use of different lighting, the colors that come out are simply stunning. It also adds that vintage and retro finish to your photographs.The beauty of rust makes ordinary things look amazing in pictures. It’s up to you as the photographer to make it astonishing however way you like. Have fun shooting and enjoy our examples of rustic objects!


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